Projects - India

Our Lady Queen of Peace has sent thousands of rosary packages to schools, orphanages, prisons, churches and mission stations the eastern province of Andhra Pradesh, India.
The people who receive the rosary, love to wear them around their neck. Even though 99% are Hindus and Muslims, they wear the rosary with devotion. The Catholics pray the rosary and the non-Catholics are slowly learning to pray with them.
The rosary provides hope and relief to those suffering. The symbol of the rosary is a wonderful way to spread the hope and love of Our Lady throughout the slums of India.
The main project in India that the Foundation supported was “Jeeva Shikaram”, a mission station located in a small rural village outside the city of Varni in the Nizamabad District, Andhra Pradesh, India. Most of the people in this area live in extreme poverty, and are the “fringe of society”. The mission of Jeeva Shikaram is to feel and show compassion, love and to take care of everyone equally.
The mission is a care home for orphaned children and the elderly “Tribals”. They are cared for, educated, fed and loved at this happy home. They take in anyone in need without judgement.
With the aid of the Foundation, a new mission house, chapel, grotto, classroom and small dormitory and sanitary house were constructed. With these changes, the station is able to accommodate more children.